
American Sniper is Back!

U of M Brings Back American Sniper Screening: Statement from YAF

ANN ARBOR, MI - Today in a statement from E. Royster Harper, University of Michigan vice president for student life, it was announced that the movie American Sniper will be screened on Friday at UMix in the original location at the original time ( Grant Strobl, Chairman of the University of Michigan Young Americans for Freedom chapter is excited to hear of the result. Grant also sits on the National Board of Governors of Young Americans for Freedom.

“Thank you to all of the students and alumni that signed our petition and Coach Harbaugh for showing support for the movie screening. The movie is is now being played: democracy, free expression, and common sense have prevailed,” Grant Strobl.


Young Americans for Freedom is a student group at the University of Michigan that advocates for the conservative ideas of free enterprise, limited government and a strong national defense.

For more information:

Grant Strobl, (586) 549-6764, [email protected]
